In this post, we’ll explore the common symptoms and signs that indicate something might be stuck in your ear. We’ll also provide tips on how to check for foreign objects and what to do if you find one.
Symptoms That Indicate Something Is Stuck In Your Ear
Before we dive into the steps to check for an object, let’s look at some common symptoms that may indicate something is lodged in your ear:
Persistent itchiness or tickling
If you feel a persistent itch or tickle in your ear that doesn’t go away with earwax removal or other treatments.
Discomfort or pain
If you experience discomfort, pain, or tenderness when moving your jaw or touching the affected ear.
Hearing loss or muffled sounds
If you notice a decrease in hearing or difficulty understanding conversations due to an object blocking your ear canal.
Greenish or yellowish discharge
If you see a greenish or yellowish fluid leaking from your ear, which could be indicative of infection.
How to Check for An Object In Your Ear
If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above, follow these steps to check if something is stuck in your ear:
- Use a flashlight and mirror: Shine a light into your ear using a mirror or a flashlight. This will help you see inside your ear canal.
- Look for an object: Gently tilt your head to one side and use the mirror or flashlight to inspect the ear canal. Look for any visible objects, such as cotton balls, beads, or small toys.
Avoid using a Q-tip as you can easily push ear wax, or the item deeper into the ear canal, which could cause more harm than good.
What To Do If You Find An Object In Your Ear
If you find an object stuck in your ear:
- Don’t panic: Remain calm and avoid touching the object, as this can push it further into your ear canal.
- Use your fingers (if safe): If the object is visible and just outside the entrance of your ear canal, use your fingers to gently grasp and remove it.
- Seek professional help: If you’re unable to remove the object safely, or if it’s too deep in your ear canal, book a microsuction appointment with MicroClear Ears.
Prevention Is Key
To avoid the hassle and discomfort of finding an object stuck in your ear:
Avoid sticking objects into your ears: Refrain from inserting anything into your ears, including cotton balls, Q-tips, or other small items.
Keep loose hair tied back: When you have long hair, keep it tied back to prevent loose strands from entering your ear canal.
In conclusion, while finding an object stuck in your ear can be frustrating and uncomfortable, being aware of the symptoms and knowing how to check for foreign objects can help alleviate the situation. Remember, prevention is key, and if you do find something lodged in your ear, get in touch with the friendly team at MicroClear Ears.
Make an microsuction appointment with MicroClear Ears today
Book your appointment online with MicroClear Ears today. We offer micro-suction ear wax removal ear clinics at three locations across Adelaide; Stepney, Brooklyn Park, and Somerton Park. Our service is Medicare rebatable, and requires no referrals. For more information on fees, please see our fees & pricing page.
If you have any questions, please see our Frequently Asked Questions section or Get in touch today.
Category: Ear health